
Which are the All over the place Bumpers around the PS3?

The Ps3 is Sony's gaming console and media center, and has now many proprietary accessories, like the PlayStation Move, the PlayStation Eye not to mention, the Ps3 Move. The PS3 has received several official controllers, however their button layouts happen to be identical, and they also match most controllers, including the Xbox 360 console controller. The PS3's L1 and L2 trigger buttons are usually in same position and serve the same function as the Xbox 360's left and right bumpers.

PS3 Controllers
When Sony launched the Ps3, the Ps3 Move Gun for your system were the Sixaxis controllers, exactly like the DualShock 2 controllers on the PlayStation 2. The DualShock 3 controller, which replaced the Sixaxis controller, retained the identical button layout. The controllers have two analog sticks, a four-way directional pad, four standard buttons, four trigger buttons, and also start and select buttons. The many Sixaxis and DualShock 3 Ps3 Move Charger are Bluetooth-enabled; after charging, they just don't require any cords for use. They also have motion sensing components, therefore the controller can be physically moved to communicate with the PS3.

Corresponding Bumper Controls
The Xbox 360 elite boasts four buttons you pull using your index fingers, similar to a trigger, but only two of them are named "trigger button." The list of smaller buttons closer to the top of the Ps3 Move Controller would be the right and left "bumpers." The PS3 has corresponding buttons in the same location. The general term for those four is "trigger buttons," but more specifically the suitable and left "bumper" buttons are classified as the L1 and R1 buttons.

Other Corresponding Controls
Another trigger buttons are L2 and R2. As opposed to the A, B, X and Y buttons, the PlayStation 3 provides the X, circle, square and triangle buttons, respectively. The four-way navigation pad plus the two analog sticks function identically to the similar controls around the Xbox 360, plus the "start" and "select" buttons are basically the identical to the "start" and "back" buttons around the Xbox 360 console.

DualShock 3
The latest official PS3 controller will be the DualShock 3. This Ps3 Move Accessories looks almost just like the Sixaxis controllers, it also features a vibration feature. The controller is noticably heavier than the original Sixaxis controllers, but it's still light enough for extended use. As soon as the discharge of the Ps3 Move ( http://www.vdealbox.com/ps3-accessories/ps3-move-accessories.html ), many games began to advertise their integration using the controller's rumble features which has a label saying "DualShock 3 Compatible."

