Talking to GamesIndustry International Smedley said the prosperity of SOE's own titles, in conjunction with upcoming F2P games for example CCP's EVE Online spin-off Dust 514, will prove the freemium business model is viable on home consoles.
"It's 70 per-cent from the audience. Free-to-use wii gun controllers is huge," he was quoted saying. "In reality, right this moment, it's us with DCUO and Free Realms and our friends at CCP with Dust 514 that are going to prove this market works."
According to the exec on the list of big strengths of the model is it provides players that has a frictionless approach to purchase and consume content.
"There are many people that follow through that store and it is really easy to uncover and download these games that it is an incredible business design. A lot of people have previously stored their charge card information so it's very frictionless should they do need it something.
"We can easily anesthetize thousands of items also it feels very frictionless. The remarkable thing is with a game title like Free Realms where there's loads of items to buy it, should be a great platform to start with to back up that. It is no small thing in order to that. It's a business structure for the future."
Smedly admitted free-to-play was initially a troublesome sell at playstation 3 accessories, even so the numbers did the talking.
"The truth is that there were a mindset where if you use the term 'free' people pause. 'Wait a moment, so what can you mean by free?' But even then people are interested in the outcomes. With DC Universe Online the split that we're seeing ended the debate right there."
"Free-to-play is the ultimate expression of the free market in video games," added Smedley. "It's completely about quality, there is absolutely no purer way to evaluate if you do have a good game you aren't than by saying 'this is free, do you want to act?' I would believe that free-to-play is a bit more pure than regular games because with those marketing can determine who sees the sport."
DC Universe Online transitioned into Wii Controllers in November last year, in the week following it attracted hundreds of new players.