1. See a Nintendo DS Lite accessories Web page (see link, below).
2. Get a battery cover that the colour of your Ds lite Lite. Currently, battery cover will come in black, pink and white. Order ds lite charger you'll need and await it to reach.
3. Turn the Nintendo DS Lite over. While using hinged fringe of the Nintendo ds lite Lite facing from you, battery cover will be within the right side in the machine. The battery cover is secured by the single screw.
4. Take away the screw that has a Phillips screwdriver. Maintain your screw inside a safe area for easy retrieval.
5. Remove the old battery cover. If the screw is removed, the ds lite adaptor is stuck place by two plastic track of the superior fringe of it cover. Down on the old battery cover to take out it in the Ds lite Lite.
6. Fit the new battery cover inside the ds lite adapter compartment and slide the tabs into place. Replace the screw and tighten. You happen to be finished. jklzaeqc 1026 ds lite power charger